About us

In June 2018, Delox was created in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), as a spin-off built on top of more than seven years of research. Delox project started in 2012 as a collaboration between two professors. After a biomaterials lecture given by João Silva, Fernando Antunes suggested a scientific collaborative project. After four years of research, in 2014, Fadhil Musa joined the team as a biochemistry master student, having his master thesis concretized on Delox project.

Driven by an entrepreneurial mindset, the future founders of the company decided to turn their knowledge into business. Two of the inventors of DeloxHP, Fadhil and Fernando, after taking part in the most important Portuguese science to business program, sealed the decision of Delox’s creation. Since they are mainly focused on bringing our solution to the market, João continuously ensures the further technical development of our products.

Since then, Delox has been focused on revolutionizing the way we bio-decontaminate using hydrogen peroxide vapor, making it simpler and more affordable. We strive to deliver bio-decontamination for everyone, everywhere.


In the early 2010s, Fernando Antunes, Professor of Biochemistry, listened to a lecture held by João Silva, Professor of Chemistry, in an intra-department seminar at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. João was explaining his work with porous materials that deliver nitric oxide and its potential applications in Health, which triggered Fernando’s interest in the possibility of using the same materials, but to deliver hydrogen peroxide, a similar sized molecule. At the end of the talk, Fernando asked João if this could be used with hydrogen peroxide, despite it being a liquid at room temperature, not a gas, to which João replied:

“All liquids have vapor pressure”.

This simple non-obvious answer initiated a more than scientific relationship,
since they agreed from the beginning that their work would be the basis of a future company.

This represented some risks to two top researchers, since the necessary consequences were neither scientific publications could be submitted nor even posters or presentations could be held. Possibilities for funding were almost non-existent for technology transfer and this work remained a side project for many years to come.

João Silva’s work was focused on nanoporous materials (sometimes called nanocarriers), which can be used to deliver gaseous molecules with therapeutic interest, while Fernando Antunes’ central work was in hydrogen peroxide biology.

The combined expertise resulted in a research project focused initially on developing materials that would entrap hydrogen peroxide and then tailor them to control the hydrogen peroxide release rate, so that therapeutic doses could be achieved. The foreseen applications for this technology were wound healing and diabetes. However, several events shifted the project towards bio-decontamination – the current Delox project.

In 2015, Fadhil Musa joined the team as a biochemistry master student, having conducted his thesis under Fernando and João’s supervision, in this exact topic. In the following year, Fernando and Fadhil participated in COHiTEC, an intensive program whose goal is to accelerate technology projects and that initiated a chain of events that culminated in the project’s pivot from diabetes and wound healing to bio-decontamination.

First, an experimental finding in which the DeloxHP yield was considerably higher than the initial assessments demonstrated potential for applications in which a high amount of hydrogen peroxide was required.

Second, the team realized that DeloxHP technology enabled easy vaporization of hydrogen peroxide (in opposition to a release in aqueous solution, necessary in therapies). Meanwhile, advice from COHiTEC mentors, the better technology-market fit and the much higher funding requirement for the pursuance of therapies, directed the project to bio-decontamination.

All of this was coupled to the identification of multiple problems that bio-decontamination had been trying to solve: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) and microbial contamination in general. Delox technology DeloxHP (initially dryVHP, coined to represent the solid formulation against liquid solutions) had several technological advantages over current solutions, holding the potential to solve current market’s problems, the decisive point for the team to completely pivot the project.

Thus, by the end of 2016, the bio-decontamination project was born and named Delox, through the agglutination of “delivery” and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), reflecting Delox’s technology capacity of releasing hydrogen peroxide (a ROS) vapor – Delox.


Margarida Beiral


Margarida Beira

Margarida Beiral


Margarida Beiral holds an MSc in Biological Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico and completed her thesis at the University of Amsterdam with Avantium. She specializes in chemistry and material science. Click to view LinkedIn.

Luana Boavista

Product Manager

Luana Boavista

Luana Boavista

Product Manager

Luana Boavista, with a BEng in Biomedical Engineering from Nottingham Trent University, joined Delox in 2022. She excels in problem-solving and applies her diverse skills across the company. Click to view LinkedIn.

Michael Geanous

Non-Executive Chairman

Mike Geanous

Michael Geanous

Non-Executive Chairman

With an MBA and Engineering Degree from Penn State University, Michael is an international consultant and former Chief Engineer at Steris. He has extensive experience in regulated industries, focusing on global product development. Click to view LinkedIn.

João Pires da Silva


João Pires da Silva


Chemistry Professor at the University of Lisbon with a PhD in Chemistry, specializes in physical chemistry and materials. He has 25 years of research experience, 170+ publications, and 11 patents. Click to view LinkedIn.

Fernando Antunes


Fernando Antunes

Fernando Antunes


Full Professor at the University of Lisbon, Fernando has a PhD in Biochemistry. With 20 years of research on hydrogen peroxide, he has published 70 influential articles and earned over 5,000 citations. Click to view LinkedIn.

Fadhil Musa



Fadhil Musa


With an MSc in Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon, Fadhil started with Delox as a Master’s student working on DeloxHP technology. Fadhil also completed a post-graduate course in Applied Management for SMEs in 2021, enhancing his leadership and business skills. Click to view LinkedIn.
